Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Another awesome outlook

Hello again folks. Today is Tuesday, May 1, 2007. Wonderful spring weather here in Connecticut; warm and sunny, birds chirping, gentle breeze blowing.

Difficult to imagine, the many people suffering in the world. If we can't physically take suffering away from someone, at least we can offer a moment in their honor.

Let's take a moment, sit comfortable, sit up straight, whatever makes you feel more alive, more in touch with yourself, and close your eyes. Concentrate for a moment on bonding your thoughts with others'.. Imagine you are seeing someone else, they close their eyes and begin to concentrate as well. Focus on healing, taking energy from all things around you, the sun, the land, the water, your spirit, and focus it on crisis in the world. Focus on clearing the minds of people in desperation, allowing them to feel content and healthy. Wrap them up in your positive energy, squeezing out any negative vibes, influencing them to share positive energy in the same manner. Assuring, we can do this, we can focus our energy into a field of healing, a field of nourishing positive vibes. View your energy spreading around them, branching out in all directions like a shock wave and affecting all in the path.. not overwhelming, at least enough to make someone pause for 2 seconds and consider their actions; dissipating negative energy and replacing it with positive, enlightening energy.

A feeling of accomplishment has left me with the notion that I will do this again, sometime soon. Perhaps we can all share in this experience together, at once. Maybe set our schedules the same, and choose a day where we will do this. Maybe enough of us to where we'll be able to produce rain where there is drought..

Thursday, March 22, 2007

It IS as I thought it was.. we must learn to accept more than we know and not be overwhelmed by what we experience

Our minds have evolved, we know more now that mankind has ever known before us.. well, so we are pretty sure, from what we gather .. relying on the writings of 'our fathers'
I have thought of this before, imagined and, in my mind, believe it is possible...

I imagined, how advanced our minds have become, our skills, our world as a whole.. I imagine groups of people praynig.. All walks of life, but I see something.. what if we took the most charismatic people of our day, had them join hands around a sick person and pray.. focus, concentrate and pray.. celebrities, brain surgeons, politicians, the pope, a Native American, an Eskimo, a Hawai'ian, Aborigines, and so on, all walks of life.. English Professors, a vodoo priestess from New Orleans...

I'm talking about a large group of people that have the highest IQ's in the world, along with every person with autism, available...

What if we organized a day in the future.. Say, a month from now.. April 20, 2007, Earth Day, we all take part in a huge session of prayer, focus, concentration, meditation, whatever you want to call it, but we all focus our energy on a specific effort, the same focus.. what could we accomplish??

What if we all concentrated on sending a message of peace out into the stars... or we all concentrated on healing Peace in the Middle East. What if we all worked together and focused our minds on one effort? Has this ever been done on such a massive level before?

Let's start this. In the next couple of days, I will have a form and database set up, stricly for numbers. It is not going to be used for marketing or any online business, sold or distributed. The only use will be to give us all an idea of our numbers and perhaps you will recognize a name and decide to join up as well.

Check back here everyday for updates. As soon as I get some free time, I will have a link and form set up.

We will need to decide on a topic. Start thinking up ideas, let's make our first session on April 20, 2007.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thinking Positive, a new Spring, new leaves, flip the pancake, fresh breeze

Ok everyone, let us connect our minds, soulds, spirits ...

Concentrate for a minute. Try to focus on the area around you, the geography of the land, picture the households around you. Imagine you are able to see a neighbor at their computer, reading this blog, doing the same, thinking and feeling the same.. join with them as they rise and together you concentrate on more neighbors

utilizie this technology to connect us as one giant spirit, a giant energy

let us use this medium to pool our energy and project it upon troubled parts of our world...

a huge, concerted effort to raise the intellect, health, beauty, souls and spirits of mankind

All of us together .. we have greater power than anyone might imagine